Section of the international scientific conference „Cultural heritage of yesterday –

implications for the development of tomorrow’s society”, September 19-20, 2024

The important results obtained in the research activities and scientific interests of the researchers within the Laboratory of Scientific Research „Comparative Public Law and E-Government” and the professors of the Department of Public Law, Faculty of Law (MSU) were presented at the 10th edition of the international scientific conference „Cultural heritage of yesterday – implications for the development of tomorrow’s society” organized in the context of European Days of Cultural Heritage. The scientific event was carried out in hybrid format.
The section Tradition and developments in national legal science, where 25 participants presented relevant analyses, brought together in a convergent space a diversified thematic, which highlighted a multitude of interesting, current and forward-looking topics for national legal science. The thematic included topics from the field of constitutional law, theory of law, contravention law, legal philosophy, human rights, digitization and artificial intelligence, legal security, environmental law, criminal law etc.
The topics addressed generated discussions, questions and incited spirits in the context of communications that had as a reference more sensitive topics, such as those related to human rights and artificial intelligence, or those regarding the interpretation of law and legal security.
The moderators of the section, academician Ion GUCEAC and professor Elena ARAMĂ, welcomed the interest in research expressed by the participants. Dr. Karoly BENKE (Constitutional Court of Romania) thanked the conference organizers for the opportunity offered to exchange valuable opinions for mutual intellectual enrichment. In the same context, the doctor habilitatus Rodica CIOBANU referred to the importance of knowing the fundamentals of law and openness to legal innovations in the current context of reforms and the complex process of adjustment to European standards, but also to convey to young generations of lawyers the past and current experiences, the challenges that tomorrow’s professionals must face.
During the conference, volumes 7 and 8 of the collection „Cultural heritage of yesterday – implications for the development of tomorrow’s society” (Iași – Chisinau, 2024), supplement of the scientific journal „Authentication and Conservation of Cultural Heritage. Research and Technique” from Iasi, edited by doctor habilitatus Liliana CONDRATICOVA, were presented.




Published vineri, 20 septembrie 2024