Despre noi
Laboratorul de Cercetări Științifice (LCȘ) Drept Public și E-Guvernare este parte componentă a Institutului de Cercetare și Inovare al USM și își desfășoară activitatea baza Regulamentului de funcționare a LCȘ Drept Public și E-Guvernare (link).
În cadrul laboratorului activează o echipă dinamică de cercetători care urmăresc ca obiectiv realizarea cercetărilor științifice fundamentale și aplicative, precum și colaborarea cu centre științifice din Republica Moldova și din străinătate cu autorităț publice, instituții de stat și ONG_uri în vederea promovării și realizării cercetărilor științifice.
Direcții prioritare de cercetare:
- Fundamentele guvernării și procesele de democratizare
- Tendințe actuale de dezvoltare în dreptul public
- Mecanisme juridice contemporane
- Eficiența și accesibilitatea dreptului
- Constituționalismul contemporan și drepturile omului în era digitală
- Organizarea și funcționarea justiției contemporane
- Tranziția dreptului și metodologii interdisciplinară a științei dreptului
- Dreptul la un mediu neprimejdios și securitatea ecologică
- Dreptul comparat în calitate de agent al schimbării
- E-guvernare și protecția datelor cu caracter personal
Obiectivele laboratorului:
- Desfășurarea cercetării științifice fundamentale și aplicative în domeniul dreptului;
- Promovarea LCȘ în cadrul USM, contribuind la dezvoltarea capacitații de formare și cercetare juridică interdisciplinară;
- Promovarea LCȘ în mediul comunității științifice naționale și internaționale prin colaborarea în proiecte de cercetare, contribuind la creșterea capacității de integrare a USM în arealul academic și științific internațional;
- Asigurarea unui cadru conceptual-metodoc și logistic modern, necesar cercetării științifice în domeniul de competență;
- Acordarea asistenței metodico-practice și implementarea rezultatelor cercetărilor științifice în colaborare cu autoritățile publice și instituții de stat, centre de cercetare, asociații profesionale, ONG-uri, agenți economici ș.a.
Activitățile prioritare ale LCȘ „Drept Public Comparat și e_Guvernare” sunt:
- Realizarea cercetărilor științifice care răspund standardelor actuale
- Organizarea reuniunilor științifice;
- Expertizarea și evaluarea lucrărilor științifice
- Colaborarea cu centre de cercetare;
- Colaborarea cu autoritățile naționale;
- Organizarea instruirilor continue pe domenii de competență
- Colaborarea în aspect teoretic și aplicativ cu instituții interesate
- Elaborarea și implementarea proiectelor de cercetare individual ori în parteneriat
- Instruirea tinerilor cercetători în domeniile prioritare de activitate științifică a LCȘ
Scientific Research Laboratory `Comparative Public Law and E-Government` (CPLEG) ( is structural component within the Institute of Research and Innovation of Moldova State University, and was created at the initiative of a group of experts and specialists with a rich interdisciplinary experience, who have worked voluntarily over several years, to promote the values and the principles of the rule of law in the Republic of Moldova, in parallel being involved in the realization and implementation of research, evaluation, monitoring and expertise projects in certain legal areas.
The purpose of creating the Scientific Research Laboratory is to establish a platform for communication and collaboration between academia, state institutions and civil society, to identify solutions to multiple problems in the field of national legal practices.
Over the past two decades, we have witnessed dramatic growth in the reach of computational technologies. Recently, there has been an explosion of systems based on data analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, which have had an unprecedented impact on commerce, communication, business, medicine, and human decision-making.
Law is facing the effects of these systems driven by the rise of an entirely new breed of intelligent technologies that could be powerful tools for scaling human effort but have the potential for strikingly negative disruption. We are seeing the emergence of systems based on analytics entering areas that have been, to date, mostly unaffected by technology. Systems that can predict, advise, argue, and write are now primed to enter the world of legal reasoning and decision-making.
Because these technologies are based on algorithms that run inside the cold silicon of the machine, it is easy to think that they will be objective. Unfortunately, while systems built on the foundation of historical data and predictive analytics are powerful, they are also susceptible to bias and can provide advice that is based on incomplete or imbalanced data. Legal forethought will be necessary to guide the use of these powerful technologies.
The Law as a field now has an opportunity to lead in the design and development of technologies that can scale genuine legal decision-making and judgment. We can work towards clarity of thought that is driven by taking the best of the law and moving it into systems that augment and aid rather than simply replace.
If we do not guide this process, those who have goals that are less aligned with the Law will drive it. Systems and products will be driven by people and organizations less focused on the future of our legal system and more on the desire to launch a product. Fortunately, we are at a point in time when we can make sure that the next round of technologies is designed with legal decision-making processes in mind. We have an opportunity to be ahead of the wave and shape its direction.
There is the need for two different responses.
- Government for Law: First, as governments, justice systems, and legal-services providers adopt technologies of automation, prediction, intelligent search, and semantic analysis, there is a need to proactively guide and shape these technologies, even before they emerge.
- Law of Technology: Second, there is a need for legal and regulatory guidance, as many technologies impact privacy, security, and individual liberties, as well as views of liability and responsibility in the face of machine decision-making.
A thoughtful response to these needs requires a partnership between researchers in Law and public authorities so that the regulation and development of these systems can be informed by an understanding of the goals and values of the law and legal systems as well as the capabilities and limits of the technologies themselves.
Our vision is a partnership that includes not only with academia, but also external partners such as law firms, corporate legal departments, legal aid organizations, courts, other legal-services providers, legal technology companies, and information providers. Reaching outside of Moldova State University allows the Initiative to be driven not only by theory, a deep understanding of legal institutions, and empirical analysis, but also the specific challenges faced by legal systems and legal practitioners.
The Scientific Research Laboratory `Comparative Public Law and E-Government aims to provide five categories of value to outside partners:
- Research, evaluation, and advice about emerging technologies and systems and their impact on the law, legal systems, and legal-services delivery.
- Research and development of systems that address problems facing legal-services organizations.
- Moldova State University graduates trained in law, legal services, and supporting and disruptive technologies.
- Training for lawyers, technologists, public authorities’ representatives and other professionals to help them develop greater expertise in emerging technologies.
- Strategic advice based on the current technology and legal ecosystems and how specific technologies can be used to address particular legal, business, and societal needs.
Our collaboration model provides our partners the opportunity to participate in guiding the direction of projects undertaken by the Laboratory. This may include focus of research, project development, technology assessment, workshops, conferences, and internships. It is intended that information and opportunities will flow seamlessly between the Laboratory and our partners.
At the initiative of the group of researchers, in 2019 the project `Modernization of governance mechanisms focused on the protection of human rights” was elaborated and a grant for the period 2020-2023 was obtained, for the realization of scientific research planned in the project implementation program. During the reference period, public consultations and platforms were organized with representatives of the Judiciary, with the Superior Council of Prosecutors, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, with representatives of the civil society – materialized in collaboration agreements and support for initiatives to increase the quality of professional legal training, institutional reformation aimed at increasing the quality of justice, the degree of protection of human rights in the Republic of Moldova, the collaboration between academia, authorities and civil society etc.
During the three years of existence the Laboratory’s member were involved in the production of the fundamental scientific research, organization of more than 30 events (international and national conferences, round tables, meetings, debates) training in the field of law, presentation of opinions and analyses to the interested stakeholders.
CPLEG works at the intersection of legal innovation and human-centered design to create youth-oriented programs with organizations and communities to promote the respect for human rights in context of expansion of online realities. By leveraging multidisciplinary teams and taking an integrated approach, CPLEG aims to improve resilience, safety, and trust in new offered technologies. CPLEG primary way to support youths working on open and accessible technology-focused projects that promote human rights, Internet freedom, open societies. CPLEG is oriented to provide new or deeper insights into the circumstances of front-line communities that ultimately contribute to challenges for their digital security training and capacity building initiatives.
At the core of CPLEG’s activities is advocacy, which includes activities such as publishing research, sharing information, organizing public events, trainings and speaking to youth, political leaders on issues related to law, human rights and e-governance. The core of the CPLEG’s advocacy are international treaties and covenants, such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the European Charter of Fundamental Rights, that bind its parties to respect human rights.
CPLEG is committed to addressing challenges and persistent inequities which could affect the human rights and especially youth rights in context of digital expantion. Our goal is to connect young people to the opportunities, relationships, and resources they need to achieve their potential. CPLEG is an organization founded on the principle of caring for one another. The strength of our work is grounded in our ability to build strong relationships with young people, their families, and the community. Together, we can empower young people to improve their lives and the lives of others.
Most of the CPLEG activities are oriented on promotion of human rights in context of digital expansion, promotion of IT education and development, as well as promotion of youth participations in researches and policy development.
Moldova State University (MSU) is the oldest and biggest University in Moldova with broad range of study programs and research area. Founded in 1946 the MSU nowadays comprises 13 faculties and 54 departments. The academic offer consists of over 60 bachelor degree programs, 64 master programs and 66 specialties of doctoral studies. The university has a total enrolment of ca. 15,000 undergraduate and graduate students, including about 200 foreign students. MSU is implementing successfully the Bologna process, contributing to the integration of the higher education of Moldova into the European Higher Education Area. Due to this work Moldova State University has been involved in many international projects including FP7, Black Sea JOP and Tempus projects.
Law Faculty of the Moldova State University is the biggest faculty of the MSU and of the Republic of Moldova, and the most active one. Yearly within the Law Faculty are enrolled around 1000 students, and around 1000 graduates. Law Faculty of MSU provide bachelor, master and PHD programs. More than 300 high ranked professors are involved in the research and teaching activities of the Law Faculty of the MSU.
Within the MSU Law Faculty is institutionalized Public Law Department, which serve as an entity which is the promotor of the reforms in the public sphere and include the most competent experts which a dedicated to the research of justice sphere (Andrei Negru, Alexandru Tanase, Teodor Cîrnaț, Ion Guceg, etc). Also the above mentioned department administrate the teaching of Master programțs course – Determining conditions of quality and efficiency of justice.