On December 12-13, 2024, the Faculty of Law of the Moldova State University hosted the 9th Edition of the International Conference ‘State, Security and Human Rights in the Digital Age’. The event was held in a hybrid format, bringing together prestigious experts from academia, public authorities, international organizations and representatives of the associative sector from the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Spain, Serbia, Austria, Ireland, USA, China, Hungary, Bulgaria, Armenia.

The event aimed to create an interdisciplinary debate platform to identify solutions for strengthening national security and protecting human rights in the context of the challenges generated by digitalization, climate change and new information technologies.

Participants debated topical topics, including: National security and fundamental rights in the digital age; The impact of advanced technologies on human rights and cybersecurity; Strategies against disinformation and manipulation in the context of hybrid attacks; Climate justice and human rights; Strategic corruption and state capture; Economic perspectives on the transition to renewable sources.

The event began with key interventions from the part of academic and institutional representatives, who have emphasized the role of university education in strengthening democracy and protecting fundamental rights, have highlighted the fruitful collaboration with the Faculty of Law of the MSU in the process of promoting human rights, have proposed solutions for strengthening the culture of national security, as a premise for protecting human rights, and have offered sustainable solutions for current climate and digital challenges.

Among the key conclusions of the conference, was highlighted the need to: strengthen partnerships between academia and the public sector to develop transparent and balanced public policies in the field of digitalization; integrate artificial intelligence into education and research, through the development of new courses and collaborative projects; promote climate justice and human rights initiatives, with the support of international organizations and university hubs.

The conference ended with the participants’ joint commitment to continue the interdisciplinary dialogue and to capitalize on research results for the good of the national and international community.

Congratulations to the organizers, partners and participants!

The Faculty of Law of the Moldova State University thanks all the participants and partners who have contributed to the success of this academic event. We look forward to the next edition, aimed at promoting democratic values, science and innovation across borders.

Published duminică, 22 decembrie 2024